I have been running PclinuxOS 07 on hda 60GB run out of space now have drive split up as / and /home . I have installed new WD 250GB drive as slave. I want to move my root and /home dirs to hdb (new drive) and use hda as test drive. Can I do it ? Main issue seems to be that I cannot create the (/) partition on the new drive because it already exists on the other drive. I want to effectively copy structure and all everything to new drive so then it will be bootable and I can format smaller drive.
Please have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_poormans_raid and here: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_poormans_raid#comment-346
Thanks I actually have successfully done it. However I took an easier way. Simply booted up the PCLOS 07 Livecd and formated and partitioned up the new drive then simply copied the contents over swapped drives around so hdb became hda and slave to master. Configured Grub and booted . I was stressing but it turned out well. Thanks for the reply.