HELP A timeout occurred getting the NS records from your nameservers!

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by layla, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. layla

    layla New Member

    here is my problem does anyone have any ideas?A timeout occurred getting the NS records from your nameservers! None of your nameservers responded fast enough. They are probably down or unreachable. I can't continue since your nameservers aren't responding. If you have a Watchguard Firebox, it's due to a bug in their DNS Proxy, which must be disabled (31 Jul 2006 UPDATE: several years after being informed of this, there is a rumor that there is a fix that allows the Watchguard DNS proxy to work).
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Where do you get this message? For which domain? To what nameservers is it referring?
  3. layla

    layla New Member unfortunatel my server is down now as i tried to fix the problem, but made it worse
  4. layla

    layla New Member

    can you have a domain name server with the same name as the domain or des it have to be dfferent, i tried it woith freeuniquemusique as the domain also and recieved the same problem
    my isp has said that no ports are being blocked
  5. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Your DNS name can be the same as your domain.

    I can ping ns1 and okay from here.
    Is that (80.42....) your IP?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2006
  6. layla

    layla New Member

    i can do that but i still get this error report!
    A timeout occurred getting the NS records from your nameservers! None of your nameservers responded fast enough. They are probably down or unreachable. I can't continue since your nameservers aren't responding. If you have a Watchguard Firebox, it's due to a bug in their DNS Proxy, which must be disabled (31 Jul 2006 UPDATE: several years after being informed of this, there is a rumor that there is a fix that allows the Watchguard DNS proxy to work).

  7. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    I've just done a small "scan" on your IP, and only port 81 (to your modem) is open (with a password)

    Did you open / forward all the needed ports on your modem/router/firewall?
    (for http: port 80 and 8080 tcp & for dns: port 53 tcp and udp)
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2006
  8. layla

    layla New Member

    I Think So Can You Help?
    Please! How Do I Do That
  9. layla

    layla New Member

    is that through remote management?
  10. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2006
  11. layla

    layla New Member

    thankyou im going to try now
  12. layla

    layla New Member

    hi, can you check if the ports are open now, i have tried what you said
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    We cannot check it if you don't tell us your public IP address.
  14. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    He told me that the IP pointing to was his IP.
    At the moment it's not pointing to any IP :/
  15. layla

    layla New Member

    my ip is
  16. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    At the moment all your ports (1 to 100) are closed!
  17. layla

    layla New Member

    ill you please tr again as i have tried to open them. and it says tat it is open?
  18. layla

    layla New Member

    ive tried to take a screenshot
  19. layla

    layla New Member

    how do i make the dns the same as my domain?as i am troubled by it,
    i want to use, ns1 ns2 and if i type in to bring up my site?
  20. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator is now showing me the Fedora Apache test page.
    So It's working now!

    Port 53 (DNS) and 80 are also open (I did not scan more ports) and, are also going to the correct IP, so this is also setup okay!

    Well done
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006

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