HELP asap, Im trying to move a server over to a differrent ip

Discussion in 'General' started by grandpagenocide, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    ok I have a server on say ip and i want to change the server ip to how do i get ispconfig to work with the new Ip? it sends me to the apache test page when i try through Im using fedora core 6

    when i changed the network ip on the machine now all servers except mysql say they are offline and dont come back up even after i changed back to 175
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2007
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Chnage the IP in ISPConfig under management > server > settings and then open every website in ISPConfig, make sure that the correct IP is selected and click on save.
  3. grandpagenocide

    grandpagenocide New Member

    thanks till I found it in another post last night...

    on another note, if you guys need some file hosting or anything let me know. I have unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth

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