help making my DNS play nice w/ ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by ubertuber, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. ubertuber

    ubertuber New Member

    hello all--

    I am a web designer and i need to have a test environment for designs/php/mysql. I have several projects at any given time and using ISPConfig to allocate each project its own little site on my internal 'sbj.lan' domain sounds perfect (i.e. project1.sbj.lan, project2.sbj.lan, etc.).

    I have installed ISPConfig and it seems to perform as described. My trouble is i cannot access the ispconfig sites from on my home network.

    My Network:

    a Ubuntu box 'lager' running Bind9 with a master zone for 'sbj.lan' with A records for lager.sbj.lan, ale.sbj.lan and www.sbj.lan .

    a second Ubuntu box 'ale' running ISPConfig and associated services

    a router connected to above servers and several static workstations and DCHP laptops on the inside and connected to cable inet on the outside.

    How do get the dns server 'lager' to talk with the ISPConfig DNS (or vice-versa) so that i can 'see' the projects on the rest of the network boxes?

    Any clues would be warmly welcomed!!!!!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must configure the computers in your network to use lager as the DNS server.

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