Help on how to set up Mulitple OS's

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by elo, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. elo

    elo New Member

    I'm trying to install DOS 6.22 on my computer but don't know how to go about it. These are the OS's I installed on my HD in the following order:

    Windows 2000 Pro. > Red Hat 8 > FreeBSD 4.9 > Solaris 9

    I was thinking there might be a way to shrink the WIN partition and leave space for DOS. Has anyone tried this? I've tried Partition Magic 8 but it gives me some kind of wierd error so I was thinking that maybe I might be able to do something with GRUB (the bootloader that comes w/Red Hat 8). Any help appreciated.


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