Help please with DNS

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by GoldMan, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. GoldMan

    GoldMan New Member

    I installed the ubuntu web server like in this lesson.
    All work well. But when I send emails to some servers like and some other I get this answer:
    550-Message rejected. Spamscore threshold (100 points) reached. Spamscore is 550-110! Details: Suspicious e-mail address; Suspected PTR DNS record points 550 to dynamic IP pool; Untrusted domain zone; Suspicious HELO argument; (in reply to RCPT TO command)

    My domain is

    Can somebody help me? please what I do incorrectly?
  2. tahunasky

    tahunasky Member

    Do you have a static IP or Dynamic ?
    If static IP have you just get it, and if so was it black listed because of previous owner. ?
  3. GoldMan

    GoldMan New Member

    My IP is static.
    I test my IP by mxtools, and it is not in black list.

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