Help reading root user's email via webmail...

Discussion in 'General' started by janron, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. janron

    janron New Member


    I have followed the Fedora 9 Perfect Server tutorial and installed ISPConfig accordingly.
    I then have installed the Telaen webmail package I got from the ISPConfig download section.

    Everything works as intended, but I need some help in logging into Telaen with the server root user to view the emails that was sent to root.

    Thank you
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Normally you dont read the root users email directly and izt is not recommended to read root users email as this means to send the root password unencrypted oder the internet while logging in. Instead you can use /etc/aliases to redirect the email for the root user to your naormal mailbox user.
  3. janron

    janron New Member

    Ah, I see, thank you Till.

    How would you recommend to do the following?

    1. Create an administrator mail account on the server.
    2. Set the email addresses within ISPConfig to the newly created administrator account, instead of having it as root@localhost
    3. Put a forwarding rule in /etc/aliases to send root's mail to this new administrator account.
    4. Create login credentials for new admin account in Telaen to read email - this I have trouble with.

    Thank you
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The steps are:

    1) Create a user account in ISPConfig on the email & user tab of a website.
    2) Put a forwarding rule in /etc/aliases to send root's mail to this new administrator account.

    Do not create any accounts elsewere outside of ISPConfig.
  5. janron

    janron New Member

    Great! Thank you, Till and I also do appreciate your quick replies.

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