Help with converting from Microsoft to Linux Server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by dcihon, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. dcihon

    dcihon New Member

    Here is my task.
    I currently have a website and email server running on a Microsoft Server.

    I want to move all of this to my newly installed Linux Server with ISPConfig 2.

    The website is on Apache 2.2
    My mailserver is on Microsoft Exchange.

    Obviously I have my own domain name.
    It is registered with.

    My Ip address is dynamic and right now I have zonedits dynamic dns client intalled on the Microsoft server in case the IP address changes.
    To get things up and running I don't mind changing it manually. It hasn't change in 8 months so that is fine.

    What I need is what screens in ISPConfig 2 do I put the information in. ?
    I have looked at the ISPConfig starter pages but it doesn't make sense to me what I put in what fields.

    I will worry about moving the webpages over and I will start a new with the emails.

    If anymore information is needed let me know.

    Thanks for the help ahead of time.
  2. dcihon

    dcihon New Member

    OK I have done some more playing around with this and here is where I am at.
    As far as the Apache part for my webserver all I have to do is tell my firewall to point to the new Linux server and goes to the server. All fine with that. All I have to do is move my webpages over to it.

    Next task is the mail server part.
    I think I do need help with getting that up and running.

    It needs to be

    How do I set that up so mail goes to it?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must set up an MX record, e.g. as follows:

    Code: MX 10
    Make sure that there's an A record for (CNAME doesn't work).
  4. dcihon

    dcihon New Member

    I hate to be so basic but can you tell me what ISPConfig 2 screens do I enter the information in.
    I assume I have to set up a user that would be me with my email address to guide the emails to the mailbox I want them in.

    By just changing my firewall from using box) to (Linux Box) my web sever came up on the Linux box.
    Will the same work for my mail?

    One other question I just thought about.
    Is there a way to remote in to ISPConfig from the outside?
    With a Microsoft XP computer?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please take a look at the documentation page, you will find the first steps guide and user manuals there which explain everything in detail.

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