Help with ftp please

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by shd0w, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. shd0w

    shd0w New Member

    i did a basic installation of ispconfig and everything is working properly. I created a client and everything for myself to use to make my webdesign/hosting site. I logged into my ftp account and replaced the index.html file inside the web1/webs folder now when you go to my website you get a error 404 and in the url it says but i didn't put the file in that directory i put it in the webs folder which i believe is my root documents folder so it looks like the home directory is docs. All help is very appreciated thanks.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig did not use a directory called docs. Please check if your new index file contains a html redirect and if your domain points really to your ISPConfig server.
  3. shd0w

    shd0w New Member

    wow i feel like such a noob I picked a random index file off my computer to test out and my index file was pointing to /docs/index.html. Thanks man I wouldn't have checked that for quite some time.

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