This thread is related to and I thought I would post a seperate thread as this is specific to recompiling ISPConfig php. this applies to a addon for ispconfig which runs on port 81 that require Zlib support, I need some tips on handeling the ISPConfig php. Please correct me where I am wrong but do I follow the following procedures have a look at install_ispconfig/compile_apps/compile script, noting the following cd ../${PHP} ./configure --with-apxs=${INSTALL_ROOT}/httpd/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring=all --with-config-file-path=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php --enable-ftp --prefix=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php ${WITH_OPENSSL} ${WITH_MYSQL} --disable-libxml --disable-dom --disable-xml ${WITH_ZLIB_DIR} --disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-simplexml --without-pear || error "Could not configure PHP" with the above configure option in mind and considering that I already have ispconfig previously installed all I want to do is update the existing ISPConfig php with zlib support. I then unzip the ISPConfig-2.2.21.tar.gz file then unzip the php-5.2.5.tar.gz then cd into the php-5.2.5 directory then run the configure script here with the above listed options just incliding --with-zlib. if I do this then the only changes that occur are local to the php-5.2.5 directory i.e. will not impact either the origional ISpconfig PHP orthe php installed on the Os. i.e. note I have replaced ${INSTALL_ROOT} with the absolute path "/root/ispconfig" $ cd php-5.2.5 $/php-5.2.5/configure --with-apxs=/root/ispconfig/httpd/bin/apxs --with-zlib --enable-track-vars --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring=all --with-config-file-path=/root/ispconfig/php --enable-ftp --prefix=/root/ispconfig/php ${WITH_OPENSSL} ${WITH_MYSQL} --disable-libxml --disable-dom --disable-xml ${WITH_ZLIB_DIR} --disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-simplexml --without-pear || error "Could not configure PHP" Quetion about the configure script can I just run it at the command line within the phpdirectory or should I edit the install_ispconfig/compile_apps/compile script and run that if I run install_ispconfig/compile_apps/compile will it affect my origional ISPConfig installation or wil it just compile everything. is there a way to just compile php then what do Do I copy $/php-5.2.5/php/lib/php/build to /root/ispconfig/php/lib/php/build or do I copy the entire $/php-5.2.5/php to /root/ispconfig/php just backup and copy my origional php.ini file (hence maintaining all my origional php configuration) Note I would like my origional ISPConfig setup to remain uniterupted other than updating the PHP. with regard to th php.ini the only settings are zlib.output_compression = On do I need to do anything with else with ;output_handler = or ;zlib.outputhandler = Looking forward to your reply cheers Mic