When i create a site then a user from the login data i cant ftp. i look at the logs and it says no such user. This is what i see in the syslog file. Nov 10 17:30:16 server.domain.com proftpd[3887] server.domain.com :ffff:[::ffff:]): USER user1: no such user found from ::ffff: [::ffff:] to ::ffff any reason why when i create a user in ISPconfig its not creating a ftp user? i have a fedora core 9 install.
i fixed my ftp issue. The problem was that i didnt know that the ftp user is the one you create when you create a email user. Since this was just a test server i didnt want to create email accounts so i never checked that. So now i can ftp but i have another issue that i will create another post for.