help With Centos 4.8 i386 and ISPconfig 2 - Name Servers hellow every body i've installd now Centos 4.8 i386 and ispconfig 2 could you tell me how can i make the name servers to connect the server with my domain name at thank you
Do you seriously think that people here will help you when you type your posts the way you do at the moment? Locked.. Try again..
To add some points, besides the strange format your posts has, I bit more details would help. E.g. what do you mean TECHNICALLY by "make the name servers to connect the server with my domain name". Do you want to perform a zone transfer to others or vice versa? Do you want to know how DNS servers will propagate the IP your server has, and you assume the specific domain shall point to (because configuring a vhost with e.g. does NOT implictly mean that the lookup will work for any client).