hhvm in monit

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by chico11mbit, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. chico11mbit

    chico11mbit Member

    monit shows me that:
    Process    Status    Uptime    CPU Total    Memory Total
    sshd    Running    3h 50m     0.0%    0.0% [3060 kB]
    mysql    Running    3h 49m     0.0%    1.5% [249364 kB]
    apache2    Running    3h 48m     0.0%    3.0% [495668 kB]
    postfix    Running    3h 48m     0.0%    0.0% [8608 kB]
    amavisd    Running    3h 50m     0.0%    2.4% [406092 kB]
    named    Running    3h 50m     0.0%    0.3% [55160 kB]
    ntpd    Running    3h 50m     0.0%    0.0% [2140 kB]
    fail2ban    Running    3h 49m     0.0%    0.1% [22796 kB]
    hhvm_web80    Execution failed    -    -    -
    hhvm_web35    Execution failed    -    -    -
    hhvm_web26    Execution failed    -    -    -
    hhvm_web20    Execution failed    -    -    -
    hhvm_web19    Execution failed    -    -    -
    Parameter    Value
    Name    hhvm_web80
    Pid file    /var/run/hhvm/hhvm_web80.pid
    Status    Execution failed
    Monitoring mode    active
    Monitoring status    Monitored
    Start program    '/etc/init.d/hhvm_web80 restart' timeout 30 second(s)
    Stop program    '/etc/init.d/hhvm_web80 stop' timeout 30 second(s)
    Existence    If doesn't exist 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then restart else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
    Data collected    Tue, 03 Jan 2017 23:33:35
    Process id    -
    Parent process id    -
    Process uptime    -
    CPU usage    -
    Memory usage    -
    Children    -
    Total CPU usage (incl. children)    -
    Total memory usage (incl. children)    -
    Pid    If changed 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
    Ppid    If changed 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
    What are these hhvm_web* files? i know it is a hiphop virtual machine, but what exactly is this and why it is there?
    What can i do to clean up this mess?
  2. chico11mbit

    chico11mbit Member

    ok. i deleted all relevant files in /etc/monit/conf.d and /etc/init.d and did a "update-rc.d hhvm_web* remove" (* for the number).
    i hope that would be enough and it does not affect the system.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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