Hello again, first of all I want to tell you that my installation is running VERY fine now! Thanks for this great piece of software! Just one more question: Is it possible to hide a "user" the client should not be allowed to edit? Let´s say I´ve a client and want to give him 500 MB for his page. Now this client should have 100 MB for his primary website and 400 MB for whatever. AND I DONT´T WANT HIM TO CHANGE THAT! I thought the easiest way to achieve this would be to create a user with 100 MB and to hide this user. So the client is able to add or delete users as he likes, but the "primary" user would not be touched in any way. Even if I had to change something in the database or to edit some files directly, I would like to have this feature. Or is there another way? Thanks, thanks and... yes... you´re great... thanks! Joscha