Hi, i just installed ISPCONFIG 3 ( on a vhost (server4you.de) with debian etch standard installation according to the documentation. As this is a virtual host it might be the reason why some things didn't work as expected. So I decided to write a few hints how I solved it. 1. the pure-ftp problem. issue: pure-ftpd not starting - syslog: [ERROR] Unable to switch capabilities : Operation not permitted solved by: compiling pure-ftpd without capabilities. I know there are ready compiled deb i386 packets to download anywhere, but I needed it for amd64. So I compiled by myself. You can download it here: http://pjo.de/pure.html Install it with Code: dpkg -i paketname.deb 2. I don't know why, but SMTP, let's say Authentication SASL didnt work for me. I noticed that there were some differences in the /etc/default/saslauthd So I did: vi /etc/default/saslauthd and changed these parameters: Code: MECHANISMS="pam" OPTIONS="-c -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r" 3. My mailrules didn't work I tried many things. At the end this resolved the problem: I comented out that optin in postfix main.cf: Code: receive_override_options = no_address_mappings So perhaps some have similar problems, and this might help. By the way I migrated from ISPc2 to a ISPc3 system. A smooth way to transfer the web data from one to another server was lftp(apt-get install lftp): Code: lftp -u web12_admin,ftppassword -e "set ftp:list-options "-a" && mirror --allow-chown /web /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web && bye" oldserver.de Using that command I moved successfully some joomla and wordpress sites. Of course additinally you have to export/import the SQL tables... Regards, Jonny