Home Network

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ntaylor, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. ntaylor

    ntaylor New Member

    Hi all

    Next month i will be doing a home network at home. Basically i need some help on designing the home network and i was either thinking of having server with 2 NICS, one NIC going to ADSL Modem and bridging it and the other NIC going to a hub to link the rest of the LAN and the server doing routing,DNS,Apache,NFS,SSH,etc.

    Can anyone please give me some more advise please



    Oh yeah keep the Howtos going they are great.
  2. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    how many ports does the adsl modem have?
  3. ntaylor

    ntaylor New Member

    it has 4 ports and is wireless, its just that i want more control over the network thats why i am thinking of bridging. But i have also heard that bridging is not that good for some reason. this is what i was going to do

    | Internet |
    | ADSL Modem |
    | Server/Gateway |
    | Hub |
    | Workstation |

    But what i was thinking of getting another computer and splitting the Server/Gateway, so it will be Gateway/firewall then to hub then the server will come off the hub with the workstations.

    What do you guys think? sorry abit rough
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2007
  4. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    it's doable but you really want that? If you can replace the firmware of your router with openwrt or ddwrt it's already much better IMHO.

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