Host can't login

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by theo136, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. theo136

    theo136 New Member

    Having installed debian-6 server Host can't login like this: =>goes OK
    http://<debian.FQDN> =>not OK

    http://<debian.FQDN>/webmail =>server not found =>is OK

    http://<debian.FQDN>/ispconfig =>server not found =>is OK

    Have I missed something with the install ?
    Or, do I have to add something ? Where can I find that ?

    Thanks in advance for help.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. theo136

    theo136 New Member

    first of all: many thanks
    secondly: if adepting of worstation is needed, then server is OK, insn't it?
    thirdly: in my winxp 2nd ed is no file like HOST or HOSTS
    so, I let it be and I'm going to study ispconfig.
    Have a nice day tomorrow.

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