Hostname to use and which dist?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by toolish, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. toolish

    toolish New Member

    Hi howto'ers,

    Firstly thanks for passing on your knowledge in these guides.

    I have a couple of questions if any one has some time.

    I followed the howto for a perfect Fedora core 4 install with ispconfig. All went well and i'm left with a nice system. With the hostname part I didn't have a registered domain spare at the time so I made up Then I noticed that the system is trying to send mail to [email protected]... not too good.
    So my question is two parts,what should I use as the hostname if I don't have a registered domain?
    Also I read on that you shouldn't use your domain as the hostname because it is a security risk. Therefore if I register a domain,for example,what should I set the hostname to? I do intend it to be publically available in a non production sense once the domain is registered.
    One last question if I may,which Fedora dist is best for this job, the latest 6 or is better to stick with 4?

    Thanks for anyones help. I am grateful.
  2. torusturtle

    torusturtle Member

    maybe it helps if you set the hostname to 'localhost'
  3. toolish

    toolish New Member

    Thanks very much for your help. It seems obvious now that you say it.

    So if I setup a domain name with a dynamic dns service I would set the hostname to

    Please excuse the obvious questions!
    Thanks again :)
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, but should exist in DNS. Also, it's good to use a "technical" domain for hostnames, i.e. a domain that you don't use for web hosting, email, etc. That's how I do it on my servers. Never had problems with this.

    I'd go with 6 as 4 is pretty old now and I don't know until when updates will be available.
  5. toolish

    toolish New Member

    Many thanks Falko, it is appreciated. Thanks for your howto's too.

    Do you still get the benefits of choosing a 'technical' domain for your hostname if you are using a dynamic dns service and your webhosting domain and 'technical' domain resolve to the same ip address?
    Or is the idea to have them on 2 different public ip addresses?

    Thank's all clicking into place!
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It doesn't matter. :)
  7. toolish

    toolish New Member

    Thanks Falko!

    All sorted now. Your advice was very helpful :)

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