Hotmail label all the emails as junk

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by ruliezz, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Good day! I have a seriously problem. I don't understand why it's happens but only Microsoft mail services (outlook, hotmail, live) put the emails what is send from my mail server to the junk folder. I did a check with mxtools to see if there is something wrong with the mailserver setup, mailheaders or if we a listed on the spam blacklist somewhere in the world. But everything was fine.

    So what kind of things I can do check more?
  2. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Try installing DKIM on your mail server. This is also recommended for gmail and some other services.
  3. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Okey, I don't have DKIM yet... is't easy to install? Do you have a good tutorial for me?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  5. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    I have ISPConfig installed. How can I check if DKIM is enable?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The dkim patch is a separate module, it is a backport of the dkim function from upcoming ispconfig 3.1. So the dkim patch is not instaleld yet if you havent done it manually after ispconfig install.

    Florian provides the install instructions for the patch here:
  7. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Thank you! It's installed now. Because I do the DNS separate I need to update the DNS records with the DKIM records. Then I like todo a test and see if its working and configured it right.
    Amavis and Postfix are reload during the installation? I don't sure...
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I don't know if the patch installer from Florian reloads them. Reload them manually, it cant hurt :)
  9. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Okey, DKIM is now added and add the public key to the DNS. When the DNS updated everywhere I do a test again and see if this solved the problem. I will update this from topic this afternoon.
  10. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Well its now amost 15:00 but still don't except my email even if DKIM is enable and add to the DNS records.
    Still Outlook put this in the header:
    Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (sender IP is XX.XX.XX.XX) smtp.mailfrom=[email protected]; dkim=none; x-hmca=pass[email protected]

    So dkim=none, that is strange or?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you had a look at your mail.log file, any errors there regarding dkim when you send a email?
  12. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    I don't see strange things in the mail logs e.g. dkim errors. So that must be okey then. Any ideas?
  13. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    I think I found the issuse:

    # amavisd-new testkeys
    TESTING#1: => invalid (public key: not available)
    TESTING#2: => invalid (public key: not available)

    Because my DNS provider says:
    add 'default_domainkey' as txt record instead of 'default._domainkey'
  14. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    The values is always "default._domainkey.DOMAIN."....
    Beside this: DKIM may help but should take of other mail-related-settings. klick

    And the installer restarts amavis and postfix....
  15. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Okey, DNS is now change. Amavis says:

    TESTING#1: => pass
    TESTING#2: => pass

    But still says:
    Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (sender IP is XX.XX.XX.XX) smtp.mailfrom=[email protected]; dkim=none; x-hmca=pass[email protected]

    Or Outlook is slow in renew DNS or its still not good
  16. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Please check the dkim-signing as described here
  17. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Yes, I did the test and everything is good. I waiting for my test mails send to port25. But I think that everything is good. So its microsoft I think.
  18. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    The Port25 Solutions, Inc. team

    Summary of Results
    SPF check: pass
    DomainKeys check: neutral
    DKIM check: neutral
    Sender-ID check: pass
    SpamAssassin check: ham
  19. ruliezz

    ruliezz Member

    Unlock the Inbox says:

    Publication: RFC 6376
    DKIM Check
    Tag Value
    Signature Found: Not Found - Learn how to set up DKIM by clicking here: DKIM Instructions
  20. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It seems, that your public-key was not available through dns.

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