how can i add ips to node ?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by RoMiONeT, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. RoMiONeT

    RoMiONeT New Member


    i'm using hypervm/openvz

    and i have the main package of ips which i have received from datacenter

    i orderd other package ips (13) ips

    i have add them to ip pools in hypervm and it didn't working

    Note : netmask are different for the first ips and the second ips

    when i create vps i can't login and when i ping ip it didn't ping ( requested timed out )

    i have one server from softlayer and the other from limestonenetworks
    when i order additonal ips from softlayer it works proberly .. now when i orderd those ips from limestonenetworks ; i think it must be modified manually

    could you please help me

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's your virtualization technique? Xen or KVM? Are you using paravirtualization or hardware virtualization?

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