Good afternoon, How can I remove this error message? I've made all the corrections and the dns is working. But the message won't go away.
A working DNS server and properly configured DNS zone are two totally different things. According to the error message several of your DNS zones are not properly configured and there's even mentioned what's wrong with them. So fix that and the message should go away.
1) The name and data of the NS records ends with a dot as both are fully qualified domain names? 2) Have you checked the generated zone file? Does it contain the newly added A-Records, or are they missing? Do you still have a .err file for the zone?
1) It has a point: 2) The generated file contains records A There are no files with the .err extension
Does the error go away when you delete NS records ns5 and ns6? (just temporarely for testing) By the way, why blurring ip's in the screenshots?? Anyone can just resolve them.
Good morning, Before opening this ticket I had already deleted ns5, n6, the NS records and created a new one. Nothing removes this message. It's as if it took the error column from the sys_datalog table without discrimination and pasted the error there. I'm seriously thinking of clearing the error column in sys_datalog to get rid of this message.
It seems that the rows in the sys_datalog table are cleared over time. I've noticed this on my servers. Today the message disappeared when these rows were deleted by ispconfig itself. But the delay in doing so may leave users wondering whether they've done the right thing or not.