How can I use Webmail on 80 port

Discussion in 'General' started by chikeung.ho, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. chikeung.ho

    chikeung.ho New Member

    I have install ispconfig on an old server in the company. It work well and smooth. However, the webmail use 81 port as the admin panel. Can I use another port for webmail, e.g. 80 port. As for security issue, my company inform me not to use 81 again.

    I have read the article about apache proxy before, but it not work on my system. I am using Mandriva 2006 free. However, it not matter.I don't need to change the admin panel to 80 port. I just want to use webmail on 80 only.

    Can anyone help me!??
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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