Under installation ISP i installed quota. I have two accounts. Both have limits which are provided by ISP settings. But in home page of ISP I have both in table Website Harddisk Qouta: Domain / Website Used space Soft limit Hard limit domain.com 1.68MB unlimited unlimited example.com 7.29MB unlimited unlimited This same for Mailbox Quota. Should I create new website and add to it limit template to get this working?
Does anybody know what will happen when particular user reach quota limit? Is there any email notification, blocking user account?
Client limit templates are not relevant for this. What matters is the value that you entered in the quota field of the website. This value gets set in the Linux quota system and Linux will take care that the user is not able to store more data. If you still get quota unlimited after you set this in the website and waited some time as the stats are not realtime, then most likely filesystem quota is not configured correctly in /etc/fstab globally.