How Configure LSWS With Ispconfig ?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by nvidian, May 4, 2015.

  1. nvidian

    nvidian Member

    Hi, I tried to install Litespeed Enterprise VPS to replace Apache but cannot configure it to work. The initial configuration are:
    • Destination Dir: /usr/local/lsws
    • Hosting Control Panel: 0 None
    • User: nobody
    • Group: nobody


    1. Directory Dir - what is the recommended location for this folder ? ISPconfig web folder is located at /var/www

    2. User/Group - Is it possible to use Litespeed with ISPconfig user/group permission system ?
    ISPConfig default group is clientX - X is client ID number. example: client1 for the first client created through ISPConfig. User for web folder is 'webx' - X is web ID number . example: first web will be named 'web1' ,
    So if I create first client and then add website to him then the user:group will be web1:client1, And if I add second website for him it will be web2:client1.

    3. Upon successfully installed Litespeed, what should I do to replace Apache with LSWS ?
    Following the 'short' tutorial, first thing is to configure through Litespeed admin console >> Apache Configuration File
    How to configure theese:
    • Auto Reload On Changes ? No / Deprecated Yes / Use Apache Binary Wrapper ?
    • Apache Binary Path ?
    • Apache Configuration File ?
    • Apache Port Offset ? (not important - only for testing purpose ?)
    • Apache IP Offset = 0 ?

    4. What next to do after that ? Configure vhost ? When ISPConfig setting up website (also vhost) can Litespeed 'catch' them and automatically configure it (like LSWS on Cpanel) ?

    5. Do traffic quota in ISPconfig should will run correctly with Litespeed as web server ? What configuration must be setup to accomplish that ?

    Thank you
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Lsws is not supported by ispconfig and I never tried to install it on a ispconfig system. If you want to have webserver that is faster then apache, then use nginx.

    If you want to try to install lsws anyay, then ensure that it uses the exact same paths for binarys and config files that apache on that linux distribution uses. This will only work if lsws is 100% compatible with apache, this measn that it understands all apache confg and has all apache modules compiled in that ispconfig installs during perfect server guide.
  3. nvidian

    nvidian Member

    Hi, Till thanks for your answer. I'll try nginx then.

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