How do I configure ISPconfig USING DMZ DNS server???

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by xianusa, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. xianusa

    xianusa New Member

    Hi Fox,

    I have installed ISPconfig and installation was simple.
    I like to use this box as webserver for several domains, but not for DNS server, I like to use my DNS server on the dmz, what do I need to do to make this work (if it works)?how do I set up my ISP box and my Main DNS box. I already have entery for the web. Do I have to create diffrent domains for my resellers on the main DNS sever and pint it to ISP box?

    Please forgive me if this sounds confusing, because I am totaly confused

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You dont have to use the DNS server on your ISPConfig server. Just configure your domains on the DNS server in the DMZ as usual and point the A-Records of your domains to the IP of your ISPConfig server.

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