Hello Friends, I spent huge amount of time and effort to set up and install Naxsi WAF for Linux Nginx. https://wargio.github.io/naxsi/ It seems working since Ubuntu 20.04. I have upgraded it in my new Ubuntu 24.04. It has even more new rules. I want to share with Linux friends. What you need is just 15 minutes to install and run it on your production Linux machine under my guidance. No down time is required. Buy me a cup of coffee, perhaps. So how do I submit Linux tutorial to HowtoForge?
When logged in to Howtoforge, go to https://www.howtoforge.com/contribute/ I like to download the boilerplate/skeleton HTML to my workstation and edit there, but the online editor is also good.
Tips & Tricks will do fine for short ones but yeah longer ones may be best fitted in that tutorial section.
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