I am having 2 new public web sites to go. I used to submit old web sites on google and bing by myself. So how do you submit your new web sites to search engines in year 2022? I meant which top search engines do you submit to and what are their present submission portals? Thanks for your help!
You don't. These engines scrape the Web all the time for new sites, articels etc. To make your sites more visible to search engines you may have a look into SEO.
Hello Friend, I heard that a site map is required to let search engine see your sites better. How do I do this?
May just use an search engine, if you struggle following the guide, you can ask here. https://www.contentkingapp.com/academy/xml-sitemap/ There are alot of this you can do to make a site more visible. Here are a few major guides for an overview: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/fundamentals/seo-starter-guide?hl=en https://backlinko.com/seo-this-year
If you maintain your websites with some sort of CMS (like Wordpress), there's a good chance it has a build-in sitemap feature. And in several popular CMSses a SEO plugin can be installed to do some optimization for you.
To submit website, 2~3 simple steps: 1) add verification metadata to website; 2) let know Search Engine about the path of your sitemap.xml. Much better question: How do you cope with a Search Engine Optimization at all - to bring your website to the top of a ranking? Let's take a look at forum.howtoforge.com! As of December 11, 2022 it has (https://checkpagerank.net/check-page-rank.php): Domain Authority: 66; Page Authority: 43 (56); Citation Flow: 61 (60); Alexa Reach Rank: 23,561 (24,132); EDU Backlinks: 0 (1,653); GOV Backlinks: 0 (263). According to ahrefs.com, their DomainRating = 79, Backlinks number =64K (13% nofollow) with 1.4k Linking websites (34% nofollow). Their metatags are based on OpenGraph keys and Facebook ID, but meta-structure doesn't include any Schema.org components. Texts are genuine, with high quality. An old domain - 2005-01-31.