how stop slave server to capture mail

Discussion in 'General' started by, Jul 15, 2024.

  1. New Member

    Hello ,
    I have two servers, a master (web, mail, ns, ftp, db) and a slave (ns and web).
    The instalation process for ISPConfig has added our mail account from the master replicated in slave but are not scynchronized so only receive email on the master. Except when a application running in the slave sending mail with phpmailer send email to domains hosted, then the sent mail is saved on the propper account but in the slave server and not sent to the master server which is the email server.
    Whant can we change to avoid this or scych both emall servers so both have he same contents. At the moment the slave server only holds emails sent from itself.
    Awating your comments.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The problem is that you designed your system setup incorrectly; mirroring means all services are mirrored; you can not mirror just one service. That's why your slave node acts as a small system. Either you should have chosen a master server with 2 DNS slave nodes where the first DNS slave node mirrors the second one but not the master, or you should have used a setup like the one you have now but do not use mirroring. If you do not use mirroring, then you would use DNS this way: create a primary zone on the master and then create a DNS secondary zone on the slave (using ISPConfig on the master). Another issue is that you have configured your slave node as a mail server; you should have chosen at install time not to install it as a mail server if it shall not act as a mail server.
  3. New Member

    Hello Till,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Do you mean I should have not install postfix on the slave?, shal i remove it or better is there a way to enable both and keep them synch, slave as backup keeping everything in case master fail?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It's not about removing Postfix; it's that you seem to have configured ISPConfig in email mode on the slave, which then configured Postfix to act as an email server and catch your emails. You need postfix to enable your websites on the slave to send emails, but it should not be configured as a full mail system.
    I guess the easiest way would be to disable mirroring for the slave in ISPConfig and when you add a new DNS zone on the primary server, then also add a secondary zone on the slave and BIND takes care to mirror that zone in future, this has the added benefit that you can use DNSSEC for DNS, which you can't use in mirror mode.
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you want sync e-mail servers and replicate them so they work independently,
    then read "ISPConfig 3 in a Multiserver- and Cluster environment" part from
  6. New Member

    Thanks for the replies, I will check the cluster wiht more time.
    By the moment I found a "solution" by fetching the secondary server account from the master.

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