how to access webspace directly

Discussion in 'General' started by rebeltaz, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. rebeltaz

    rebeltaz New Member

    I have been successfully running ISPConfig managing three web sites. Evrything worked fine until a couple of days ago, when the telephone lines went down for a day or two.

    I assumed that since the server was in the other room connected to my other computers through a hardwired LAN connection, that I could access the webpage directly by just typing in the IP address. It told me that that IP address was shared and that I needed to type in the name instead. Well, without phone lines, that doesn't work.

    I was able to SSH and FTP into the server no problem.

    Is there any way around that Shared IP message if I ever need to access the webpage directly again?

  2. Member

    I don't quite understand the relationship between the phone lines and you loosing access to your DNS but maintaining acces to "the web" through IP.

    No mater what, you can always override that issue using hard coded entrances on your hosts file. That way even if you loose name resolution you'd manage to access the web sites by name.

    This is not a best practice neither is recommended bu in the case you're describing it should do the trick.

    Sérgio Rosa
  3. rebeltaz

    rebeltaz New Member

    Well, the problem is that I haven't quite figured out DNS hosting on my own server yet. So when the phone lines went down, I lost access to the DNS server.
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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  5. rebeltaz

    rebeltaz New Member

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011

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