How to add a "spam-setting level" to the "Personal setting" Roundcube page

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by voltron81, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Hello to everybody.
    I'm realizing a mail server based on ISPConfig 3 and Roundcube as webmail.

    I would like to add a service to the customer roundcube webpage, so that a customer can set-up the level of spam filtering for his email(basically I want to add a slider with 10 spam levels on the "personal setting" roundcube page).

    I've checked that, on ISPConfig 3, I can create "Policy record" that are stored on mysql database, exatly in "spamfilter_user" table, in the field names "policy_id", where the value of "policy_id" is the order of "Policy record" in ISPConfig page.

    So, how can add on Roundcube this slider?
    I don't think it's really difficult...but I'm not an expert of PHP at all!!!

  2. Horfic

    Horfic Member

  3. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    do you mean "SpamAssassin User Prefs (SQL)"???
    I hope I'll be able to personalize it...

  4. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    Yes, for example. There should be the feature included in the plugin, just extract the thing you want and write your own plugin. To actually change the priority, use the remote api from ispconfig 3.
  5. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Thanks for your answer.
    What do you mean?

    Thanks again
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  6. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    With the new version of ISPConfig 3 released, it offers now the remote api to change any settings in ispconfig 3. For further detail look at the examples in the remote_client folder.
  7. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Ah ok.

    I'll upgrade ISPConfig to the new version and I'll have a look of that.

    If somebody want to help me... :D

  8. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Somebody can show me the right way please?
    I'm completely lost with ISPConfig api.
    I've found in which part of the database ISPConfig write the spam policy.
    I've integrated Roundcube with a slider with 11 steps.

    The only think that I've to do, and I've no idea of how to do it, is connect roundcube with dbispconfig, make a "SELECT * FROM spamfilter_users WHERE EMAIL = [email protected]" and then write the value of the policy in the column "policy_id".
    I've already created 11 spam policy with ISPConfig and I know the policy_id of all of them.


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