This is a simple edit simply to add a link icon in Alias Domain For Website page in ISPConfig Control Panel. 1. Via ssh or terminal, go to ISPConfig site template path: Code: cd /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/sites/templates 2. Open the template for the aliasdomain for website page using your preferred editor (I use nano for this): Code: nano web_aliasdomain_list.htm 3. Find (press control+w in nano editor and enter the following): Code: <td class="tbl_col_domain"><a href="#" onclick="loadContent('sites/web_aliasdomain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="domain"}</a></td> 4. Change it to (by adding <a href="http://{tmpl_var name="domain"}" target="_blank" class="button icons16 icoLink"><span>Link</span></a> before </td>): Code: <td class="tbl_col_domain"><a href="#" onclick="loadContent('sites/web_aliasdomain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="domain"}</a><a href="http://{tmpl_var name="domain"}" target="_blank" class="button icons16 icoLink"><span>Link</span></a></td> 5. Save the changes (in nano editor press control+x, then yes to save the changes and confirm the file name again). You AliasDomain For Website page in ISPConfig Control Panel should now look like the following image. Now you can click the link next to aliasdomain name to go to the site.