How to add website to server3.example.tld server?

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Aivaras, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    I have created 2 name servers server1.example.tld and server2.example.tld with ISPConfig3 installation (by manual "How To Run Your Own DNS Servers") and they working perfect. Also I have created my hosting website "example.tld" with WHMCS at server1.example.tld and it also works.

    And... I have installed ISPConfig3 on server 3 "server3.example.tld". This server (and aditional others) for my clients websites.
    And there I have a problem..
    HOW TO CONNECT CLIENTS SERVER (server3.example.tld) to my network / name servers (server1.mysite.tld and server2.mysite.tld)?
    • I have added some sites to server3.example.tld (hosting, DNS records are creaded there)
    • I have changed name servers of these sites (at domains registrars) to server1.example.tld and server2.example.tld
    Now Im waiting 3 days, but sites not found on the internet..
    It seems to me that the problem is between
    Name servers server1.example.tld / server2.example.tld
    and -->
    Web hosting server server3.example.tld

    Seems that name servers server1.example.tld and server2.example.tld can't see that the client sites are in the server3.example.tld...
    Please HELP! :(
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  2. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    server1 is setup as a dns-server and you used server1 for the new dns-zones?
  3. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    server1 is a dns-server with all server services (there are hosted man website with WHMCS). I have used dns zones on this server just for one website.
    Server2 is Mmirror of server1 just with DNS service.
    Server3 is server with all server services. I want to use this server for clients. There are created dns zones of client websites with NS records of name servers server1 and server2 and with IP of server3 (A records)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  4. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You either transfer the zones from server3 to server1&2 or set server as the default dns-server for your clients. this will create the dns-zones on server1 and the mirror-server2.
  5. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    Thank you for help!
    How it possible transfer? It needed add zones manualy each time when clients add domains?
    How/where I can set it? :)
    And if I add more servers later, I will have set each server is default dns-server for its clients..
  6. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    Maybe I have to use a multi-server setup for all servers or there just needed uncheck "DNS-Server" checkbox in all other servers exept server1 & server2 (nameservers)?
  7. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I run several dns-servers and all of them (2-4) are a mirror of dns-1. You can set the default dns-server in the client-settings.
  8. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    Yes, my server1 are default name server. But this default name server do not see other servers.. server3 and etc..
    Why default dns servers do not see these client servers? :) All clients using my default name servers addressesto thier websitse ns name servers.
  9. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Why should your server see (in which way) other nameservers? If you configure ns2 as a mirror of ns2 bioth have the same configs for the zones.
  10. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    My name servers is &
    Server for clients are: When Im creating there websites, websites do not work. Example (real) website:
    When I have added website to the server, ISPConfig3 have created DNS zones for this website.
    A mail 0 3600
    A 0 3600
    A www 0 3600
    CNAME www 0 3600
    MX 10 3600
    NS 0 3600
    NS 0 3600
    But website does not work. WWW / WHOIS

    Maybe all servers must be in expert setup only? Totally confused.. :)
  11. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It seems, that you have some problems with your dns-server. Check on
  12. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    I have created DNS zone manualy at server1, and now site works (hosted in server3). Seems that DNS zones are created not in the DNS server but inthe server, where website actualy hosted.
    Why this happens ?:(
    Maybe all the ISPConfig servers must be in the multiserver/expert setup?

    And also, maybe anyone know, what is "Insecure DNS Records (A,MX,NS,SOA)"?:)
    Insecure (4)
  13. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    See #7 - client / limits / dns-limits
  14. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    1.png 2.png 3.png
    I have reinstalled server.. Still the same..
    Multiserver setup works good, but DNS problem remains..
    After creating hosting account/website, dns records are created on the actual hosting (web) server, instead of the DNS server..
    And neither of servers is not visible for the DNS settings (in web server). Server /Default DNS Server options is empty..

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to select the dns server in the dns server fields. All servers that have dns enabled under System > server services will show up there.
    Aivaras likes this.
  16. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    Here is exactly the problem is. :) There is nothing to select in these fields. Fields in the server "web server" are empty...
    Web server does not see DNS servers.. I must create DNS zones manualy at DNS server... :)
    Maybe I missed some setting file which must contain the default DNS setings?
    There are my /etc/conf:
    ---------------------- localhost.localdomain localhost s001fr (web server with ALL services exepst DNS -there are sites, and do not see/create DNS) nsnl (slave dns server with DNS service only) nsca (master dns server with ALL services - main site for DNS)

    Totally do not know what else to do :)
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Login to ispconfig, go to system > services, select the DNS server. There you enable the checkbook for dns and press save. Do the same for the Web server, just that you select Web service as active for this server type.
    Aivaras likes this.
  18. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    Hmm.. Yes.. I have loged to the main ispconfig DNS server and enabled DNS service for DNS servers () and for the Web server now.
    Now DNS servers see actual DNS servers (himself).
    Web server sees only himself (web server hostname only, in both fields).... :) Itns normal?

    Attached Files:

  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    On a multiserver setup, only the master server has a interface. So how would you see this setting on the dns server then? Maybe you setup your system wrong and added an interface on multiple servers?
  20. Aivaras

    Aivaras Member

    Do you have in mind, that all servers with customers hosting or vps accounts, must be accesible through one, always the same server with ISPconfig installation with interface? And all servers must be withouth own administrative interface?

    At first I have created 2 DNS servers according manual "How To Run Your Own DNS Servers (Primary And Secondary) With ISPConfig 3". One DNS server with ALL services, and second just with DNS.
    Later, I simply added a 3th server in EXPERT mode with all services exept DNS, according manual "Multiserver Setup With Dedicated Web, Email, DNS & MySQL Database Servers On Debian Squeeze With ISPConfig 3".

    Probably I have to reinstall all my servers from scratch, according to multiserver guide? :)
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015

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