How To Avoid Downtime Using ISPConfig Interface and --force?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by jaypabs, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Lately, I've been doing a lot of changes on my website like adding and editing existing website config in ISPConfig. Specially when using resync under Tools. Plus running --force.
    Whenever I do the above stuff, nginx and php are the most affected services. Even if I just edit one line in nginx Directives, all websites are being affected by the restart of nginx and php-fpm.
    Worse is when running resync under tools, it took several restart on nginx and php-fpm before it finishes its task.
    It there any other way to avoid repetitive restart on this services?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig reloads the service if possible. A restart is only made when required to apply specific changes, especially when related to SSL. If you disable config check under system > server config > web, then restarts are delayed and only one restart is made for all changes, but this also means that failures in website config can not be detected reliably anymore and rolled back, so if there is a failure, your whole system will be down with all sites without automatic failure recovery. That's a decision that you have to make. E.g. when you do a resync for whatever reason, then it can make sense to deactivate config check before you do that and in case of a failure, you must find and resolve it manually then.
  3. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Did you mean the "Test webserver configuration on restart"?
    Test webserver configuration on restart.jpg
    If I uncheck that, and make some changes, how many minutes will ISPConfig wait and reload/restart the services?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    ISPConfig runs once a minute and will process during that time all pending requests and the restart will be done when these pending requests are finished.

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