How to back up My Mail Server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by royalmcuc, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. royalmcuc

    royalmcuc New Member

    How can back up my mail server,

    What is the safe and fastest way for back up my server

    If any server down then what can i do instandly
  2. jesperkp

    jesperkp New Member

    A great start would be that you list some details about your situation:

    operating system
    mail server software
    if you need backup of both configuration and data
    if you need backup of smtp and/or pop/imap service
    and perhaps a scale of the system 10/100/1000/... users

    Best regards and Happy New Year to all
  3. royalmcuc

    royalmcuc New Member

    Mail Server Backup

    My Operating system is Linux Redhat 9.0
    ( Sendmail Imap pop3 )
    Now How can i want to backup mail sever as a faster way
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are you using mbox or Maildir for your mailboxes?

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