How to best move sites to other servers?

Discussion in 'General' started by xciso, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. xciso

    xciso Member

    I am going to set up a new VPS so it is fresh and up to date with all softwares.

    Which will be best?
    Set up a new VPS with new ip adress and copy everything over from the old.
    And then change from the new ip to the old server have.

    Set up a new VPS with new ip adress and copy everything over from the old.
    And then change the nameserver for the domains to the new ip's.

    Or can i do it on a better way?
    I will have so litte downtime as possible. I have full ispconfig, with mail-server, http-server, ftp-server, dns-server..

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'd change the IP - this will have less downtime than changing DNS records because it can take up to a few days until DNS changes propagate over the internet.
  3. xciso

    xciso Member

    Thanks Falko!

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