How To Build Red Hat Enterprise IPA RPMs For CentOS 5 requesting help

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by NetworkSlacker, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. NetworkSlacker

    NetworkSlacker New Member

    I am requesting some help with the howto here:

    I am stuck at rebuilding the rpms
    when I do:
    rpmbuild --rebuild *.rpm

    I get an error:
    error: Failed build dependencies:
    redhat-ds-base-devel >= 8.0 is needed by ipa-1.0.0-15.i386
    Has anyone else had this problem? Is there any help anyone can provide?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please install redhat-ds-base-devel:
    yum install redhat-ds-base-devel
  3. NetworkSlacker

    NetworkSlacker New Member

    Thanks for your reply, I was able to get IPA running of Fedora 13, still working on Cent.

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