how to build the perfect server for webhosting and flash media using red5 or another

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by tharldvs1, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. tharldvs1

    tharldvs1 New Member

    I'm looking to build a server and i'm starting out with old amd 64 bit computer with 756 mb ram 4 40 gig hard drives will upgrade to sata later and will upgrade ram later when more funds are available I have already downloaded ubuntu 12.04 amd64 and the other versinon just in case. I attempted to build the server using ubuntu 12.04 lts webmin usermin virtualmin and red 5. had it installed but kind kept messing up and now i'm doing a fresh install. I want to be able to offer hosting with live streaming service. gonna start small of course. so i will want to limit the amount of users at first. I need to make it so members can upload videos and videos get processed in the background for hosting and forming a tv site any suggestions or how tos that involve ubuntu 12.04 lts 64bit and red 5 or free alternative zpanel x or free alternative because they closed repository till jan 1st for their new release ispconfig maybe? I also want to be able to auto generate new sites based of my .com name meanin
    I have my own static ip address and all need info
  2. mmidgett

    mmidgett Member

    Welcome aboard! You didn't specify what type of videos your going to be streaming. You stated processing in the background. So you mean to transcode them and store them? So if I upload a .avi your wanting to turn it into a .mp4 or another format? I don't want to hinder you in anyway but 765mb of ram just isn't going to cut it for video. If your hosting static sites with no or little mysql then you might be ok with less then 10 websites and low page visits. I wouldn't do any email on this as running spam filtering and virus scanning would bring the server to its knees. There is no solution that will work right out of the box so your going to have to build one around which ever control panel you want to use. I personally use ISPCONFIG and have for years and have really good success with it. Zpanel was here along time ago and then went off the radar so I haven't tried it since then. You should also look into using nginx instead of apache2 as this will lower your memory foot print. You also stated that you have a static ip. What type of connection is this? Speed?

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