Hello, can anybody advice me please how to change default folder for Spam from Junk to Spam for all users in ISPC3? is it matter of ispconfig or amavis or something esle? cannot find it anywhere...
The first time you log in into you'r webmail the webmail program creates folders. Default it is Spam. You have to change the source config.php from that webmail program.
Yes, but this is just webmail binding onto system Spam folder name Not everyone use webmail , i'd like to have it also in mail clients as "SPAM" folder So, i want to create fodler /var/vmail/domai.tld/user/.Spam in system instead of /var/vmail/domai.tld/user/.Junk in system when spam message is detected
oh, now i see there is not a policy to moving email recognized as spam to Spam folder.... Can anybody help me with sorting spam to spam folder, something as was in ISPC2 desribed here.. http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-add-a-move-to-spam-option-to-your-ispconfig-installation ??