How To Change Flowplayer password

Discussion in 'Technical' started by philw19642002, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. philw19642002

    philw19642002 New Member


    Hello, I have had my Flow player for at least a year now and I really like the quality of it however I am at this time stuck with a given password for which I can never remember. How do I go about changing my password to one I can remember. I tried all the steps on the Flow player site but nothing helped me out. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!!
    Thank You
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What password are you referring to?
  3. philw19642002

    philw19642002 New Member

    My Password Issue Was Due To a Odd Browser Type

    I was not using IE and it would not except my password I set up to log in. Now that I am on IE8 I am able to log in. Thanks for you responce!!
  4. BorderAmigos

    BorderAmigos New Member

    Flowplayer doesn't have a password unless you are referring to the license key to remove the branding. Otherwise you may be referring to the .htaccess password settings for the directory that Flowplayer is set up in? Using IE is not relevant to either. Try

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