how to clone from one VMware to the other?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by cardis, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. cardis

    cardis New Member

    Hello all

    i have install ubuntu with vmware server 2.0
    i want to clone the VM machine to another VMware server
    how can i do it ? is there a way? both machines are on linux

  2. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

    Cardis, VMWare machines are stored in large files under /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines by default. you can copy the vm drive image by shutting down the vm machine and then coping the root folder of that machine to the other vmware server. Then open the vmware console and goto File > Open and browse to the copied machines folder and select the VMX file.

    Note: The copied machine's VMX file must have executable permissions on the new vmware server.

    Good luck!


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