How to create own name server DNS?

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by adrastea, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. adrastea

    adrastea New Member

    Hello, everybody,
    I'm running a dedicated server at the provider Server4You with its own ip address, where web server and mail server is running for a couple of domains.
    After successfully upgraded ISPConfig to version 3.1, now I would like to use the DNS function for some of my domains to make it possible to manage SPF, PTR and DKIM on my own.
    One of my domains has a pretty good name that might be used as a domain for the name server, e.g. ns1.mycommondamain.tld and ns2.mycommondomain.tld.
    For my other domains, the name server entries should point to this name server domains.
    But I have no idea, how to configure the domain mycommondomain.tld in the configuration panel of Server4You to let it act as a name server, too.
    Maybe, I'm wrong or I didn't found a proper howto, yet. But I'm not sure, that I can make it run with Server4You environment.
    Does somebody has some experiences and give me a hint, to show me the way?
    Thank you in advance,

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