Dear all, Both SpamAssassin and ClamAV are taking too much resources in my server (Fedora FC6), I want to disable them. SpamAssassin is running in daemon mode, which can be disabled by a chkconfig command. But I don't know how to disable ClamScan. Any help on this? Thanks a lot.
You can comment out or remove the lines in the procmailrc.master file in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/ Every new or updated user will use the new configuration. By the way, ISPConfig does not use the spamd from your operating system. If you want to deactivate spam scanning, you will have to disable it in the procmailrc.master too.
Ok, but how can we get all existing accounts changed at once. Only changing the db data doesn't do the trick as ISPConfig doesn't seem to rewrite the config periodically (as Confixx does). Any timestamp I have to edit or a script to call?
Execute the following statement in the ispconfig database: update isp_isp_user set status = 'u' where status = ''; then change one user in the interface and click save. Now all records will be updated.
Is there any way to do this from the command prompt rather than from phpmyadmin? My system is currently choaking under the clamav load to an extent that I can no longer access the web interface. In fact, shell is difficult too. I had disabled clamav previously, but for some reason (upgrade probably) it kicked back in and is killing my system right now. Thanks a lot!
Since this has been brought up, I'm just wondering can't disabling spam/antivirus be disabled from the "management - settings" tab within Ispconfig? I mean when I uncheck the spamfilter from the "management - setting - email" tab, it does not give users the option of setting up antivirus or spamfilter. Is this enough to disable spam/antivirus usage, or should we do what Till posted to actually disable the features if we dont want to use them? Also does Till's change come back after a upgrade of ispconfig? So we'd have to remember to do this each time we upgrade? Thanks
management - setting - email disables just the option field. If clamav is already enabled for a account, it will stay enabled if you do not disable it sa I described above. This is not changed by updates.
Sounds good Till. So as long as no one has turned it on yet, then I guess just turning off the option in management-settings-email should be enough. Thanks again.