Hi there everyone. I need to set up a 301 redirect so as https://mysite.com points to https://www.mysite.com How do I do that then eh ???
There is a tab named "Redirect" in website settings, there you select in the field SEO Redirect "domain.tld => www.domain.tld and press save button to apply the new config.
Hi there Till thanks for your reply. I have made the instructions a bit longer so as it is clearer what you need to do here as follows:- 1. Log into the ispconfig control panel. 2. Click on the "sites" icon in the top menu bar. 3. The list of the website you are hosting is displayed in a list in the center window 4. click on the link where it says "mysite.com" under the column "Domain" of the website you want to change. 5. This opens a central panel entitled "Web Domain". 6. Click on the tab at the top labelled "Redirect" 7. There is a dropdown menu you can open in the box next to the label "SEO Redirect:" 8. From in the dropdown menu , select "domain.tld =>www.domain.tld" 9. Click on save. 10. The change will be written to the system. There is a red circle with a 1 in it at the top of the ISPConfig admin window until the changes have become active for your website which can take up to a couple of minutes. 11. You can check everything is working right by putting in your domain naming alternatives into the box at the website httpstatus.io
I do have another question however. (Note: In the Domain tab of the website, I have also selected "www." from the "Auto-Subdomain" box and saved it.) In the redirect tab, I also have the button "Rewrite HTTP to HTTPS" selected and saved. However, if I now go with my browser to the web address http://server1.mydomain.com, I now get the apache 2 ubuntu default page rather than my website. Also, I can visit web pages with the format https://server1.mydomain.com. I just want everything to be directed to the https: version of www.mydomain.com. How can I achieve these redirections ?
This is to be expected as its the server hostname, which has a special meaning for an Apache and Nginx setup, so its requests will end up in the systems default directory and not in ISPConfig. Look at the options of the redirect field. There you can find an option to redirect everything (*) to www.domain.tld