How to do away with shared-ip nag

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by jshg46, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. jshg46

    jshg46 New Member

    Anyone have any clue how to do away with this, heres the deal i have 2 servers on a shared ip and anytime you try to get anything off the second server all i see is shared-ip. Is there any way to cut this off so i can get to my second server again?
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    You cannot have two servers on the same IP. :confused:

    You can have two (or more websites) on one server with only one IP. In order to get to the correct site, either setup DNS correct or use entries in /etc/hosts.
  3. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    ok by servers
    do you mean two PCs
    like pc1 :
    and pc2 :

    or two website domains

    but to ur other qus
    how to remove the shared IP screen

    in the /var/www/html < i think is the path>
    there is an index.html file
    replace it with something else there saying its a shared hosting box

    but make sure you got
    < IP >
    and <ip>
    if its local setup in ur host file
    or setup right with the DNS server

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