how to enable the disabled functions for an account

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by digitalmahdi, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    i have disable many functions for security reasons
    but i have some problem to use a bank gate way for my billing System !
    my questions is how can i enable the functions for an account ??
    just for my account to use the billing system ?!
    thanks :)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What kind of account do you mean? A shell login via bash, FTP account or a process in a programming language like PHP?
  3. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    in the php.ini i have disabled curl_exec function ! ok ?
    now i want to enable curl_exec function for an account ! for example
  4. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    Please Help Me
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you use mod_php or suphp?
  6. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    No !
    i disable php functions in php.ini !
    but i want to enable theirs in one account !
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, you mean commandline PHP or PHP in a webserver account? It will be very helpful if you describe it more detailed.And sying no to my question above does not answer anything, the php settings for mod_php and suphp are both set in php.ini.
  8. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    i dont use suphp !
    i had disbale unsecure functions manualy !
    but i want to disable this for an account !
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please answer my question above, if you dont answer them, we can not help you. To make this clear, give a exact answer to every question below:

    a) Do you use PHP in a webserver or on the shell?
    b) If you use PHP in a webserver, do you use mod_php, php-cgi, php-fcgi?
  10. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    i am using php in a linux web server
    b) If you use PHP in a webserver, do you use mod_php, php-cgi, php-fcgi? --> how can i know it ?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thanks, this is a answer that helps to solve the probelm!

    Please create a file named info.php in one of your websites with the following content:


    now open this page in a webbrowser. In the output you will find a line that starts with "Server API". Please post the API name that you find there.
  12. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    it a apache server
    with Cpanel
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post the URL to the info.php file so that we can check it ourselves?
  14. digitalmahdi

    digitalmahdi New Member

    see here !
    see friends ! i had enable all functions becuse the phpinfo function closed :d
    my problem is here ! i just want enable all functions for this account !
    as register_globals ! we can enable it with htaccess ! i want to enable funcitons for an account ! with a configuration for this !

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