how to fix forgotten XMPP installation / reinstall ISPConfig

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by radim_h, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    i forgot to install 9.1 Install Metronome XMPP Server
    how can i add it to existing IPSConfig installation without reinstalling server ? Can i reinstall ISPConfig with same version ? If so, how?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Install metronome.
    2) download ispconfig tar.gz and run an update with reconfigure services.
    radim_h likes this.
  3. radim_h

    radim_h Member

    thank you, FYI: it went well , except instalaltion is saying

    Metronome XMPP SSL server certificate is not renewed. Run the following command manual as root to recreate it:
    # (cd /etc/metronome/certs && make localhost.key && make localhost.csr && make localhost.cert && chmod 0400 localhost.key && chown metronome localhost.key)

    even i did
    cd /etc/metronome/certs && make localhost.key && make localhost.csr && make localhost.cert && chmod 0400 localhost.key && chown metronome localhost.key
    is says same error on next update
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's an info on how to renew the ssl cert and not an error.
    radim_h likes this.

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