How to fix this php server erorr in oscommerce

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Richardo Guirelli, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. Richardo Guirelli

    Richardo Guirelli New Member

    I am running an osCommerce app on I'm not a php expert though. I recently found that some admin pages give errors. I narrowed the problem down to the following line:


    I think it's because "register_argc_argv" is off in global php configuration.
    I created php.ini in the web root directory and the file has register_argc_argv = on. But it doesn't seem to override the default option. So here are my questions:

    - Can I override "register_argc_arg" in my php.ini on Do you have experience with them.
    - If I can't change "register_argc_argv" option, what can I do?
    - I want to avoid modify all source codes. But if that's the only option, how should I change the problem line?

    I need your help, thanks in advance

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