Hi, With the move to a new server I had to fix some failures first to get journaled quota to work. Now when running quota on existing users in the database the system reports that there are no quota settings set. Is there a simple way to flush the user settings from the ispconfig database and let update the system quota settings for all users? Thanks
You might want to disable quota first, then turn it back on and re init. like so: Code: quotaoff -ug / mv /aquota.user /aquota.user.backup mv /aquota.group /aquota.group.backup quotacheck -avugm quotaon -avug
Well, the initialization went ok already but repquota only shows the currently used values and not the maximum values as specified in ispconfig. Also running 'quota' for a known user doesn't succeed: Disk quotas for user foobar (uid 10029): none Once I change the settings for foobar in ispconfig, the quota command returns the fully filled table. Also I have had to switch to journaled quota to keep it running in my new setup.