How can we hide or disable the delete server and site button? Sometimes, I leave my PC, and at that time I don't want anyone to delete any site, servers by mistake. If I want to delete any site, I will have to enable that feature again. Is there anything like this possible? Thanks
you can comment the "tds" in the template. admin/templates/server_list.htm: Code: <!-- <td class="text-right"> <a class="btn btn-default formbutton-danger formbutton-narrow" href="javascript: ISPConfig.confirm_action('admin/server_del.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}&_csrf_id={tmpl_var name='csrf_id'}&_csrf_key={tmpl_va r name='csrf_key'}&phpsessid={tmpl_var name='phpsessid'}','{tmpl_var name='delete_confirmation'}');"><span class="icon icon-delete"></span></a> </td> -->