How to install Sympa with ISPConfig ?

Discussion in 'General' started by Spheerys, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Spheerys

    Spheerys New Member


    I want to install Sympa, the mailing list server.
    I follow the official tutorial but I have a problem to make it works with Apache.

    Is someone here, makes Sympa works together with ISPConfig ?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does it have to be Sympa? Maybe Mailman works as well for you? ISPConfig 3 has support for Mailman.
  3. Spheerys

    Spheerys New Member

    I didn't know about support of mailman with ISPConfig
    Nevertheless, I read a very exhaustive comparative MailMan vs Sympa, and it's looks like Sympa is more adapted for my use.

    I just asked support on the Sympa Mailing Lists, and if the problem is more on the ISPConfig side, I will come back here :)

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